Friday, November 9, 2007

Champagne Supernova

i don't know if this is going to work; the whole blog thing. it's nice, as a lark, when visiting myspace but, as a stand-alone, i'm not really sure. i feel like it needs a purpose, a vision, an idea to govern it and, as we all know, i'm no good at the vision thing.
anyway...i'm sick and just, for the first and maybe last time, got to live out a decadent rock star moment by spraying a nearly full bottle of champagne all over my room. i hope my dvd player and television still work and my trades don't become too sticky. so, while wading through the lake of champagne that is my carpet, i have discovered my new favorite blog: Horror A Day. it's by "some guy" who loves horror movies and has decided to watch one a day and write about it. pretty fucking simple. here he is writing about The Descent which is one of the best horror movies in years:

The great thing about the movie is how scary it is before the damn monsters even show up. I legit yelped the first time I saw the film at a particular shock scare early on, and the scenes of the girls getting stuck in tiny passageways as they navigate the cave system are pretty terrifying as well. Plus, Marshall is a master of subtle reveals, giving the film enormous rewatchability (check out the scene right after the cave in, when Sarah is looking around with her flashlight - there's a monster's hand or something without a single musical sting or scream to accompany it). Like the best survival horror movies, there are nature elements as well as the monster/killer to worry about, and Marshall's script never lets one really overshadow the other.

Plus, it's gory as hell. Those cannibalistic humanoids that dwell under the ground (I wish they had a simple acronym to use to describe them) spray their innards everywhere when killed, and they have a knack for likewise killing the girls as gorily as possible. Again, Marshall succeeds in both areas - he's made a chilling psychological horror film, AND a splatter film, and whether you consider it one type of film or the other, it works just as well. I should note that some folks believe the monsters don't exist at all; that Sarah killed her friends herself. And while I don't buy into this theory, it certainly has some evidence to support it, and gives the film another level of interpretation.

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